Reactions of Organoboranes: An Easy Way for Carbon-Carbon
报 告 人:Akira
主 持 人:侯进副教授
讲座内容简介: The
palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction between different
types of organoboron compounds and various organic halides or triflates in the
presence of base provides a powerful and general methodology for the formation
of carbon-carbon bonds. The (sp3)C-B compounds (alkylboron compounds) and
(sp2)C-B compounds (such as aryl- and 1-alkenylboron derivatives) readily
cross-couple with organic electrophiles to give coupled products selectively in
high yields. Recently, the (sp)C-B compounds (1-alkynylboron derivatives) have
been also observed to react with organic electrophiles to produce expected
cross-coupled products. Such coupling reactions offer several advantages:
(1) ready availability
of reactants; (2) mild reaction conditions; (3) water stability; (4) easy use
of the reaction both in aqueous and heterogeneous conditions; (5) toleration of
a broad range of functional groups; (6) high regio- and stereoselectivity of
the reaction; (7) insignificant effect of steric hindrance; (8) use of a small
amount of catalysts; (9) application in one-pot synthesis; (10) nontoxic reaction; (11) easy separation of
inorganic boron compound; (12) green chemistry.
These coupling
reactions have been actively utilized not only in academic laboratories but
also in industrial processes including pharmaceutical and agrochemical
industries, and liquid crystal and OELD production.
In this lecture, the
overview of the coupling reaction will be discussed to understand the whole.
报告人简介:铃木章(Akira SUZUKI),毕业于北海道大学,是日本化学家、北海道大学荣誉教授和铃木反应的发现者。因在“有机合成中的钯催化交叉偶联反应”方面做出贡献,时任北海道大学教授的铃木章与理查德·赫克、根岸英一共同获得了2010年诺贝尔化学奖。
1954 北海道大学理学部化学科毕业。1959 北海道大学院理学研究科化学专业博士。1961 北海道大学工学部合成化学工学科 助理教授。1963 美国普渡大学 博士研究员(H.C.Brown教授)。1973 北海道大学工学部应用化学科 教授。1994 冈山理科大学 教授。1995 仓敷艺术科学大学 教授。2001 美国普渡大学 特邀教授。2002 台湾中央科学院和台湾大学 特邀教授。1986
Weissberger-Williams Lectureship Award。1987 韩国化学会功劳奖。1989 日本化学会奖。1995 DowElanco Lectureship Award。2000 The H. C. Brown Lecture
Award。2003 有机合成化学协会特别奖。
2004 日本学士院奖(对钯催化的新有机合成反应的研究)。2010 诺贝尔化学奖(对有机合成中钯催化偶联反应的研究)。