Replacement of tooth loss is increasingly implemented nowadays. Den...
27089次 时间:2021-07-02
Bone fracture remains a major public health concern. Internal fixat...
358次 时间:2021-07-02
The naturally microstructure-bioinspired piezoresistive sensor ...
1571次 时间:2021-06-18
Rencently, a excellent work by Prof. Yang Weiqing, Zhang Haitao and...
2321次 时间:2020-10-26
Multifunctional micro-force sensing in one device is an urgent need...
304次 时间:2020-10-26
Recently, on the basis of previous work (Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 516...
316次 时间:2020-09-24
As the world marches into the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), ...
318次 时间:2020-09-24
356次 时间:2018-07-15
The Twenty-third Annual International Conference onCOMPOSITES/NANO ...
384次 时间:2018-07-15
December 13, 2013, the 12th Sichuan Youth Science and Technology ...
328次 时间:2018-07-15